Here is something I wrote after reflecting on the surreal and worrying times we are all facing. Thanks for reading it.
Diann Rodgers-Healey.

In these unprecedented Covid times
When you see 
Almost perpendicular graph lines
Empty food shelves
Cancelled Events
Uncrowded streets

Keep the Faith.

When you hear Social distance rulings
Updates more dire
International fatalities 
Our own, suffering and dying

Keep the Faith.

Know that you are strong
You’re doing your very best
That you are not alone
It’s you and each other
Us at this precipice of unknown

Managing and coping
Awaiting, quietly praying
Hoping and hoping
And perhaps simply forgetting
We each have the power to choose

To validate our humanity
Enliven trust, respect, the greater good
Strengthen foundations of profound love
And remember what defines us
Such life, no virus can diminish

And if alarms of fear pierce our soulful calm
Reach out. Be reached
Be kindness and care
Be resolute 
Be hope
Be determined. And know

We will control this contagion defiance
With science, strong hearts and minds
When free of sickening worry
We will celebrate 
Honour precious lives lost
And remember how dearly we kept the faith – for all.
Diann Rodgers-Healey

Image of graph – source: